
Please find attached a .pdf version of my resume


  • CPGE LycĂ©e Henri IV MPSI/MP, *France, 2018 - 2020
  • MSc of Computer science at CentraleSupĂ©lec, France, 2020 - 2024 (expected)
  • MSc of Applied Maths for Machine learning, MVA at ENS Paris-Saclay, France, 2023-2024 (expected)

Work experience

3D Computer Vision R&D intern, Stryker (Feb 2023-Aug 2023)

Stryker is a medtech company.


Pytorch, Weights & Biases

Data scientist, Polygon (Aug 2022 - Jan 2023)

Polygon is a Startup in the US.




  • Deep learning:
    • Classical Machine learning:
      • Regression, SVM
      • XGBoost, Light GBM, CatBoost
      • SHAP values, Anchor, LIME
    • Computer vision:
      • Image classification and regression
      • GAN, VA
      • Perceptual loss, neural style transfer, super-resolution
      • Object detection: RCNNs, YOLOs
      • Semantic segmentation
      • Key points detection
      • Few shot learning
    • Text & Images
      • CLIP, CLIP Seg, SAM
      • Diffusion models: Stable diffusion, Dreambooth, ControlNet
    • NLP:
      • Text classification
    • Speech:
      • Voice activity detection
      • Speech-to-text
    • Time series:
      • Time series classification
      • Breakpoint detection
    • Other:
      • Uncertainty estimation
      • Spiking Neural nets
  • Frameworks:
    • Pytorch, Tensorflow
    • Pandas, Numpy
    • Sklearn, OpenCV
    • Plotly, Streamlit
  • Techs:
    • Python, R
    • Bash, Linux
    • Docker
    • AWS
    • Jupyter
    • Git
    • Weights & Biases
    • LaTeX